Today We Will Going To What Is Html, Css And Js? I Show you Esay Tips to Html, Css And Js.
Full Form:
What Is Html?
Html is Website Main Word. Html is Website Body part. Html for Website In Show a Text, Paragraph, Bold Text, Underline Text And More Text Part, quote text, and more..
Html Tage: Html Tage Is <html></html>. Html Language in made from tages. Basically Html two tage type Open Tag And Close Tage. Open Tag Is <> And Close Tage Is </>
Many Basic Tages Example:
1. <p></p>
"p" tage is use for 'Paragraph'. Any Text For Use This Tage.
2. <b></b>
"b" tage is use for Any Text Type Change To 'Bold'.
3. <h1></h1>
"h1,2,3,4,5" tage is use for Text Type Change To 'Heading'.
4. <br></br>
"br" tage is use for Text Enter Tage.
5. <div></div>
6. <hr></hr>
7. <center></center>
8. <span></span>
9. <a></a>
10. <a herf='html'></a>
What Is Css?
Css Is use Html Text Design, Shape, Color, Border Redius And More. Css in . And { and } and : and ;.
Css In Not Use a Space Use a - text for space.
Many Examples:
.css {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #ff0000;
border-redius: 10px;
What Is Js?
Js Tage Is <script>. Js Is Use For Any Html Commands.
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